Friday, July 23, 2010


I have no idea if this entry was successfully posted the first time so I'm going to try again. I apologize if it's a repeat. On my last real post I had a comment from a friend of a new kid coming to Ethiopia in September. For any of you group 4 kids reading my blog please feel free to email me with any questions about Ethiopia, PC, packing etc... A few of you will probably be down in my area and I'm
wicked excited to meet you and finally have some neighbors! Shoot me an email at I have dial up internet so I check my email about once a week. Enjoy your last few months at home, eat tons of delicious food, go to happy hour and spend all the time you can with friends and family! See you soon!

1 comment:

Romeo B said...

Hello Nikki,
Sorry to have not written in ages. We have a new system at school and I no longer can access blogs, facebook etc. from work. Which is driving me insane. I know you have bigger issues than my access to games on Facebook! Very good news that you are returning to the USA for a visit in November and congrats on the paper presentation in Colorado. Right now I am writing this from a conference in Phoenix! This is crazy. In Feb. we have conference in D.C. in Blizzard of the Millenium, and in July come to AZ, where the temperature reaches triple digits daily! Again, probably not all that important in the scheme of life in Ethiopia. Our instructor is yelling at people to come to the front of the room...she knows we are all doing personal stuff on our laptops while we should be comparing notes on this! OK, next week Ashley gets married and I am just getting a bit nervous about how the whole thing will come together...I can see why your father didn't want to know or get involved in Andrea's wedding planning! I should have heeded his sage advice and kept away from discussions/planning of the wedding...ok, well I hope this finds you well and that you are successful in your finding funding for your project...hope to write again soon!
