Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Here Comes the Rain

Almost a month earlier than I expected the rainy season is here. Every day it POURS for a few hours accompanied by roaring thunder. It starts very suddenly and then stops as soon as it came like it does in the tropics. When the rains come is gets suddenly very, very cold and once it even hailed marble sized pellets. That day I was stuck in the post office for about an hour. The mud is ridiculously slippery and it takes careful planning of steps to avoid wiping out. As bad as the mud and unpredictable weather is, the worst part about the rainy season is the influx of bugs.

I mentioned a few entries ago the flesh eating ants. If you can recall they live in wet mud. You can imagine that now that the whole town is a mud puddle these ants are everywhere. The bee stings hurt less than these ants, once they latch on you need to pry them off...not an easy thing to do when they are in your pants.

Also there are the moths. I like to tell myself they are butterflies, but no, they aren't that pretty. Some days you can't walk outside without getting slapped across the face by wings. They all herd together and sit in clumps. I imagine this is what a plague looks like.

The most obnoxious, but amusing, swarm of the rainy season are these little bugs that look like flying ants. If you are unfortunate enough to walk through a group of them they follow you and stick to everything. By the time you reach your destination you are pulling them out of your hair, off your shirt and still batting at them by your ears. The funny part about these guys is that if you are no where near your destination there is a way to get rid of them. If you bump into another person the swam will leave you alone and start to bother the other person. It reminds me of the lightning cloud item on Mario Kart Wii.

The grossest insects are the flies in the shint bet (bathroom). After it rains the shint bet (a room with dirt floor and tin walls/roof gets very hot and humid. The flies are horrendous. I don't think I need to elaborate. It makes the whole bathroom experience even worse than it was to begin with.

And, finally, the bug infestation that hits closest to home is the spider attack. The spiders are looking for a place to keep dry, and it seems that my bedroom is perfect. I think about John and Andrew during these times when I can look in any corner and see a few making their homes. I could spray and kill them but I don't think its worth it. There are too many, and hey, I don't like being out in the rain either.

And on a totally different note, I've had a few people ask me what I need. Here's my current wishlist:

Pasta Sides
Suddenly Salad
Meals you can boil
Hot Chocolate
Tea (green, white, flavored...)
Cake mix & frosting
Brown Sugar
Mac and Cheese
Parm. Cheese

The Hobbit
LOTR trilogy
The Silmarlion
John Lennon's Biography
books on meditation
historical fiction
classics that i should have read in high school

New music
Crayola markers


The Nick said...

Nikki, I am so incredibly impressed that you managed to reference Mario Kart in the middle of that mess. Sorry to hear about the bugs, but glad to hear you are doing well. Hang in there.

Romeo B said...

Just read your latest post. Sorry it has been a while since I have checked in on you. I could never put up with the bugs/insects you describe. A few May Flies in my face and I go crazy with the OFF! We will check your list and send you some of the things you are looking for. Joy has bought stuff and has a Nikki Basket where she puts stuff...but has failed to get a Mail Box to put it in...hopefully we can get it out to you soon. Keep safe...Romeo

Dan said...

Hiya Nikki,

I feel it is my duty to get you those LOTR books. I'll see what I can do!

Unknown said...

You are so brave! I came across your blog while searching for Peace Corp experiences in Ethiopia. My friend just joined and is going to orientation in August, then leaving for Ethiopia. I hope that she is as brave as you are and adjusts as quickly. Since I grew up as an American abroad, I know how long it takes to get used to a foreign place, especially in a developing country. Getting used to the U.S. will take some time, too, when you do return. You will never be the same after this -- you will be better! Best of luck and keep up with your writing.